ToolChurch Cash Flow Calculator

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Scenario Overview

Net Income$0
Non-Recurring Income$-0
Lease/Mortgage Expense$0
Depreciation & Amortization$0
Non-Recurring Expenses$0

To modify the scenario, you can click on the “Edit Scenario” button above or access it by clicking here.

Estimate Summary

Church Cash Flow$0
Low End$0
High End$0

Based on the information provided, the Church Cash Flow comes out to $. If we use the 5YR CMT index, which is the most commonly used, we can estimate that the low-end loan amount is and the high-end loan amount is .

Check out my article How Are Church Loan Rates Calculated to learn more about Church Interest Rates.

Payments Comparison

Loan Comparison

For comparison, this chart shows the payments and loan amounts.  The low loan is based on the following terms: interest rate %, amortization years, and DSCR of .  The high loan is based on the following terms: interest rate %, amortization years, and DSCR of .  The low and high-end loan payments are estimated at $, and $, respectively.

The purpose of this tool is not to emphasize the Interest Rate, DSCR, or Amortization parameters. Instead, it aims to demonstrate how Church Cash Flow impacts your loan choices.  If you would like to learn more about the interest rates referenced in this document, they are dynamically pulled from the table data referenced in the article I wrote, How Are Church Loan Rates Calculated?

Learn More About Church Cash Flow
Read The Related Article

Tool FAQ's

To modify the scenario values, please log in to your account and select the “Edit Scenario” button in the Scenario Summary section. This action will refresh the page and display the editor.

After you’ve completed the modifications, click on the “Save Changes” button to have the tool updated with your changes.

To use the editor, you will need a registered account.  This allows the site to save the scenario and load the information when you visit the tool.  If you have not registered yet, click here to register; it is free and quick.

Please use the chat widget to contact me for any assistance needed. I’m happy to help.

Of course! To use the scenario editor, simply log in and you’re all set! This way, any changes you make will be saved to your account and you can access them whenever you want. It’s super easy and convenient!

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t hesitate to drop me a message via the chat widget on this website. I’m always here to assist you.